Sui Ryū Ren will be holding an Awa Odori workshop at the Kelowna Downtown...
News & Events
Craft Market at Summerhill (KJLS Fundraising)
Hello! Kelowna Japanese Language Society is excited to announce that we are hostIng a...
Stories Around The World Event 2024 Fall
Here’s an announcement about an upcoming event on November 30th at the downtown library....
Mid-Autumn Festival Event
OCCA Community Association's Mid-Autumn Festival Event KJLS will be participating in the...
Kelowna Buddhist Temple Obon
Hope you are enjoying your summer despite the heat! On Sunday, July 14th at 7:00 PM, the...
Canada Day Folk Fest – Yakitori & Karaage Sale!
How are you planning to celebrate Canada Day, everyone? We at the Kelowna Japanese...
Free Awa Odori Workshop at Downtown Library
Sui Ryū Ren will be holding an Awa Odori workshop at the Kelowna Downtown...
Craft Market at Summerhill (KJLS Fundraising)
Hello! Kelowna Japanese Language Society is excited to announce that we are hostIng a...
Stories Around The World Event 2024 Fall
Here’s an announcement about an upcoming event on November 30th at the downtown library....
Mid-Autumn Festival Event
OCCA Community Association's Mid-Autumn Festival Event KJLS will be participating in the...
Kelowna Buddhist Temple Obon
Hope you are enjoying your summer despite the heat! On Sunday, July 14th at 7:00 PM, the...
Canada Day Folk Fest – Yakitori & Karaage Sale!
How are you planning to celebrate Canada Day, everyone? We at the Kelowna Japanese...
KJLS is always looking for new members.