Japan Foundationより国際交流基金デジタル図書開設のお知らせをいただきました。下の案内にあるようにLibrary Card Application Formから登録手続きをしてからのご利用になります。 (無料)マンガなんかもありましたよ!遠方でも、図書のやりとりができる便利な時代になったものですね。ぜひご利用ください!
The Japan Foundation, Toronto Library is thrilled to announce the launch of our digital library. With your library card, members of JFT Library can now access and borrow from our selection of ebooks by visiting jftor.overdrive.com
Readers may browse JFT’s OverDrive collection, instantly borrow titles, and start reading with a valid library card. Visit OverDrive Help to learn how to use your particular device to browse, check out, and download ebooks.
To log in, simply enter your library card number. Your default password is the last four digits of your phone number. If your library card has expired, please complete the Library Card Application Form and check “Renew Library Card”. Email your completed and signed application form to library@jftor.org. For other technical difficulties, please contact the library by email with your library card number and full name.
Please note that JFT Library’s OverDrive collection may be accessed by residents of Canada only.
For more information, please visit https://jftor.org/library/collection-and-services/
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at library@jftor.org.
Thank you for using The Japan Foundation, Toronto Library
The Japan Foundation Toronto Library